Residential & Commercial Painting
Interior Painting
Wall Painting
The journey to beautiful freshly painted walls starts with our preparation. All old nail holes are patched and all walls are lightly sanded back to smooth finish. High quality Sherwin Williams paint is then cut and rolled in two coats to ensure even coverage.
Ceiling Painting
From vaulted ceilings, spray painting open basement ceilings for that industrial look to your standard flat ceilings, we've got you covered! Whether you need watermarks re-painted after repairs or just a fresh coat of paint, we are sure to cover every nook and cranny no matter the type of ceiling.
Trim Painting
We understand the finesse that painting trim requires, and the many forms that it comes in to accent your room. From baseboard, crown molding to wainscoting and everything in between, give us a call for your trim painting needs.
Accent & Design Wall Painting
Accent walls are a great way to add variation and sophistication to any room. What makes an accent wall stand out besides the contrasting color is the crisp attention to details in the cutting between the rest of the walls. Only the finest paint job executing an accent wall really lets this design choice shine.
Brick and Fireplace Painting
We love natural brick, but sometimes it needs a fresh coat of paint to bring it back to life or you're looking for an accent in your room! Using high quality Sherwin Williams Masonry paint, we will transform your interior brick or fireplace giving it longevity along with its bold new look.
Staircase Painting
From railings, stringers, treads, risers, and balusters, your staircases are bridges connecting your home and getting high traffic use. Let us take care of painting your staircase to whatever specifications you are looking for, whether you want just the railings, risers, or everything!
Exterior Painting
Wall Painting and Staining
The journey to a beautiful freshly painted house is in the preparation. Our team begins by scraping all loose and flaking paint, spot priming exposed wood and caulking gaps. High quality Sherwin Williams paint is then cut and rolled in two coats to ensure even coverage.
Exterior Door and Garage Door Painting
Doors are the invitation into your home and can make a huge impact on how it feels to be welcomed back at the end of the day. Whether you're just looking for a refresh of the same color, or want an accent color for your doors to pop, we've got your exterior doors and garage door painting set!
Trim Painting
Sometimes all that is needed to face-lift your home is to paint just the trim! Our services are a-la-carte, so if you'd like your trim, door casings, window casings, soffits and/or fascia, we will paint much or as little as you'd like!
Pergola and Deck Painting and Staining
High traffic areas like your porches, decks and other exterior structures also need painting and staining care. High quality Sherwin Williams products offers both durability and a wide range of color choices to make sure when we're done painting or staining your porches and decks, you'll have many summers enjoying the outdoors.
Fence, Play-set and Other Painting and Staining
Our exterior painting and staining services offer a wide array of solutions because we know your backyard is more than just a deck. We have handled a variety of miscellaneous projects including fences, play-sets, outdoor furniture and more, and are ready to help you tackle every exterior painting or staining project you need!